Welcome To Grace Lutheran, Oronoco – Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).


Worship opportunities: 
– 8:30am Sunday School               
– 8:30am Bible Class
9:30am Worship (with Holy Communion on 1st & 3rd Sundays)
10:30 Coffee hour
Church Directory    We will be working on new pictures for a directory before our new pastor arrives. Be on the lookout for times to sign up for family pictures. Contact Sara Erickson or directory committee members with any questions.

Channel One Food Donation Bring any non-perishable food donations to the box by the main door.



Upcoming events: 
Next family food and fun night Friday March 21st @ 6:00pm   Bring a dish to pass, your favorite games, and as many friends as you like.
Lent midweek service and Easter schedule:
A light meal will be served before each midweek lent service starting at 5:30pm
March 5th  Ash Wednesday 7pm
March 12th  7pm
March 19th  7pm
March 26th  7pm
April    2nd   7pm
April    9th    7pm
April    17th  Maundy Thursday  7pm
April     18th  Good Friday  1pm and 7pm
April 20th  Easter Sunday:  7am and 9:30am
Easter breakfast served between services.
If you would like to support our ministry of sharing the message of God’s forgiving love in Jesus, you may use the ‘online giving’ tab or mail your financial gifts to:
Grace Lutheran Church, PO Box 238, Oronoco, MN  55960
The Lord be with you!
ChurchTelephone:  (507) 367-4329   For a Pastor please see contact page.
Our prayer is that you would be blessed and strengthened by the power of the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – through His holy Word, the Bible. We pray also that you will enjoy a life of peace and forgiveness through Jesus’ perfect life, His death on the cross, and His rising to life for you.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oronoco is here for you. We are a fellowship of Christians coming together to declare the glory of the Lord and worship Jesus Christ as our Savior. He is the only source of forgiveness of sins and eternal life. We study God’s Word, administer the sacraments of Baptism and Communion, practice what we learn, and in the process grow together in God’s grace.
Thank you for visiting. Please return soon. The Lord bless your day!